High Country Filtering Bag

$ 79.95



A portable complete water filtering system. Fill bag with unfiltered water. A filter in the bottom of the bag disperses clean water through the hose attached. Holds up to 4 gallons.

Comes with 2×10 filter, sock, clean water supply tube, elbow, washer seals, 7-strand paracord 550 hanging cord and velcro strap. Rolls to 5″ diameter x 18.5″ long.

All Total Sustainability Filters


Our filters are silver impregnated and will not permit bacteria growth through mitosis. They provide a hostile environment for all microbiological organisms and will not support their growth. Ceramic elements may be cleaned 100 or more times with a soft brush or damp cloth.

  • The filtration efficiency is 0.2 micron
  • 99.99% Bacteria Removal
  • Virus Reduction or Removal
  • Confirmed by Cuetical Labs, an FDA Registered Laboratory
  • Easy installation
  • Accepts water from a variety of sources such as: flood waters, lakes, rainwater, wells, tap, rivers and/or streams
  • After filter activation, recommend replacement after 8 months
  • Cleans with clean, damp cloth
  • Unlimited shelf life before filter activation