
NPO_ChartMajor Foundations and donors have been insisting the last few years that NPOs add and demonstrate these important concepts in their Business Plans. They are:

  1. Collaboration (among NPOs). The days of individual heroics and “going at it alone are over. A NPO must demonstrate its ability to cooperate and synergize with other companies that provide complementary products and services because individuals and other recipients of philanthropic services demand that. They don’t want to have to deal with 10 NPOs to get what they want.
  2. Too many NPOs have repeatedly mismanaged funds that they have received from their benefactors and/or did not deliver the expected or promised results, leaving many people wondering as to what is going on or to what happened to the money. Accountability is very critical in “keeping certain leaders’ feet to the fire” to ensure that mismanagement of funds does not happen.
  3. This word has two meanings. One has to do with the ability of NPOs to maintain its program(s) that they have initiated with funding from other sources, other than the original finding source. This urges NPOs to find ways to both find new sources of funding and new sources of revenue. The second meaning has to do with applying the concepts of “Going Green” to the degree possible. Sustainability and Going Green are now hitting the business world like a green tsunami and the expectation is that NPOs need to emulate certain business practices in their domain.

Total Sustainability helps NPOs with all of the above. More specifically, Total Sustainability offers the following services to NPOs:

  1. Develop Business Plans (essential for obtaining funding)
  2. Embed the Collaboration, Accountability and Sustainability “hooks” into the Business Plan
  3. Develop a very detailed Sustainability Strategy and Implementation Plan
  4. Develop a Fundraising Strategy
  5. Support Fundraising Campaigns (incl. Application Writing)
  6. Board Formation and Training
  7. Management Team Restructuring and Training
  8. Business Infrastructure Enhancement (Policies, Procedures, Manuals, Forms, Job Descriptions, Non-Core/Non-Strategic Process Outsourcing, etc.)
  9. Technical Infrastructure Enhancement (Telecom, Networking, Cloud Computing, IT Outsourcing)
  10. Leadership Development (pertaining to over 50 different key topics)
  11. Organization Development (pertaining to over 100 different topics)
  12. Health & Safety (from Strategy to Employee Training — over 40 courses)
  13. Operational Improvements (applying the concepts of Lean)
  14. Business Improvements (for fixing QuickBooks to improving Cash Flow)
  15. Marketing and Business Development Improvements (incl. Strategies and specific Tools)