Total Sustainability has a strategic partnership with Global Life Nets and Water Wishes to bring awareness that there is a “silent killer” in the world today. It doesn’t get the media coverage of wars and natural disasters, yet it is responsible for more deaths each year than global conflict.

What is it? Unclean water.

Our goal is to develop a better future for all mankind through abundant energy, food and good clean water. Providing low cost water filtration systems using the latest technology allows us the ability to offer a unique and cost effective way to filter water that can substantially change the quality of life around the world.
When people come together for a common purpose, it’s amazing what we can accomplish. Many of the existing water well programs are expensive and still produce unclean water.Portable filtration solutions can be valuable for reaching parts of the world that do not have access to existing water programs or wells. The mobility of the systems allow for increased flexibility during disaster relief and aid.